
Tuesday 20 May 2014


What is Vivix?

Vivix is an exclusive, patent-pending, resveratrol-polyphenol blend with ingredients shown in laboratory research to positively impact four key mechanisms of cellular aging, including cell defense, cell energy, cell repair, and cell performance.*The ingredients in Vivix have been shown to help protect and repair DNA damage, positively influence longevity genes, re-populate mitochondria to produce energy, and slow formation of AGE proteins (plaque in your cells).

What are the ingredients in Vivix?
Vivix contains both resveratrol and a proprietary phytonutrient blend. This phytonutrient blend harnesses the powerful antioxidant properties of rare muscadine grapes and has been shown to be 10X more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing a key mechanism of cellular aging.*

Why did Shaklee choose the muscadine grape? Why is it unique?

Muscadine grapes are one of nature’s rarest, most potent grapes, with a unique polyphenol profile that offers a number of health benefits. Unlike other grapes, muscadine grapes boast superior concentrations of ellagitannins and ellagic acid that, when combined with other muscadine grape polyphenols, yield immense antioxidant power.

Muscadine grapes also can thrive in harsh environments; their unique phenolic profile provides extra protection against bacteria, fungus, yeast, drought, excess moisture, and temperature extremes, while other grapes are much more fragile in these environments.

Normal grapes have 19 pairs of chromosomes. Muscadines have 20 pairs. 
This changes and intensifies the phytochemical makeup.
~~> Muscadines have 6 Times the Resveratrol content of regular red grapes
~~> Muscadine is the only grape to contain Ellagic Acid
~~> Muscadines have more dietary fiber than rice or oat bran
~~> Muscadine is high in Quercetin — a very healthy flavonoid
~~> The antioxidant level in muscadine is 40x higher than in standard red grapes
~~> Muscadine grapes have about 6X more Resveratrol than standard grapes.

Where is the muscadine grape grown?

Muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia) grapes are grown throughout the South Eastern United States Where the climate and weather conditions can be harsh and unpredictable. It is because the climate is so difficult, the Muscadine has evolved into a grape that tends to be larger, stronger and have thicker skins than traditional grapes. Normal grapes have 19 pairs of chromosomes. Muscadines actually have an extra pair. They have 20.

What is the extraction process?


How much resveratrol does Vivix provide?

Vivix provides 100 mg of resveratrol per serving. The resveratrol extract has a natural resveratrol content of 98%, and the amount of resveratrol in Vivix is guided by the latest scientific studies and emerging research. Vivix goes beyond resveratrol by combining it with a patent-pending blend of additional polyphenols derived from muscadine grapes. Laboratory studies have found that this patent-pending blend is 10X more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing a key mechanism of cellular aging.*

Is Vivix an antioxidant?
Yes. Vivix contains powerful antioxidants. If Vivix was judged by it’s antioxidant power alone, it would be extraordinary. But the true potential for Vivix lies in it’s ability to mimicking calorie restriction and turn on your longevity gene.

Vivix has polyphenol ingredients that have been shown in laboratory studies to positively impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging and, therefore, goes well beyond providing antioxidant support.*

How important is the ORAC rating?

Does Vivix fight inflammation?

What is the source for the resveratrol in Vivix?

What is meant by “mechanisms of aging?”

Where can I find research on the ingredients in Vivix.

Is Vivix patented?

There are 3 patents pending on Vivix.
Patent #1: Cold-filling’ Extraction Process
Patent #2: The polyphenol blend
Patent #3: Preservative-Free, All-Natural, Stable Liquid Suspension

The grape extraction process for creating Vivix was developed in collaboration with the University of Georgia.

What is Mitochondria

What is Ellagic Acid?
Ellagic acid is a phytochemical, or plant chemical, found in grapes, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, walnuts, pecans, pomegranates, and other plant foods.

Ellagic acid seems to have some anti-cancer properties. It can act as an anti-oxidant, and has been found to cause cell death in cancer cells in the laboratory. In other laboratory studies, ellagic acid seems to reduce the effect of estrogen in promoting growth of breast cancer cells in tissue cultures. There are also reports that it may help the liver to break down or remove some cancer-causing substances from the blood.

Ellagic acid has also been said to reduce heart disease, birth defects, liver problems, and to promote wound healing.

Several animal studies have found that ellagic acid can inhibit the growth of tumors of the skin, esophagus, and lung, as well as other tumors caused by carcinogens. Other studies have also found positive effects. A recent study in cell cultures found that ellagic acid may act against substances that help tumors to form new blood vessels. Further studies are needed to determine whether these results apply to humans.

In the only study reported thus far in humans, Italian researchers found that ellagic acid seemed to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy in men with advanced prostate cancer, although it did not slow disease progression or improve survival. The researchers cautioned that more research would be needed to confirm these results.

The interaction between phytochemicals like ellagic acid and the other compounds in foods is not well understood, but it is unlikely that any single compound offers the best protection against cancer
A balanced diet that includes 5 or more servings a day of fruits and vegetables along with foods from a variety of other plant sources such as nuts, seeds, whole grain cereals, and beans is likely to be more effective in reducing cancer risk than eating one particular food, such as raspberries, in large amounts. However, some studies suggest that foods high in ellagic acid might be useful additions to a balanced diet. For example, one nonrandomized clinical study of men with prostate cancer reported that pomegranate juice slowed the increase in blood levels of prostate-specific antigen, a substance that is routinely measured to estimate growth of prostate cancer.

Who is Dr. David Sinclair?

Dr. David Sinclair is a scientist at Harvard Medical School. In 2003, Dr. Sinclair found that Resveratrol can improve the life span of yeast cells by as much as 70%.

He later determined that worms and flies lived nearly 30 percent longer. In 2006, Italian Researchers found that Resveratrol extended the lifespan of fish by over 55 percent longer. To find a natural substance that could prolong life was a true scientific breakthrough.

In November 2006, a team of researchers led by David Sinclair published an article in the journal Nature that has forever changed the way science looks at aging.

Dr. Sinclair’s team found that in Mice, resveratrol reduced the risk of death from a high calorie (HC) diet by 31%. In addition, mice fed Resveratrol actually improved their motor skills as they got older.
Learn more about Dr. Sinclair and his research

Is Vivix approved by the FDA?

As a dietary supplement, Vivix Cellular Anti-aging tonic does not need FDA approval to market. Vivix is subject to existing food and dietary supplement laws, such as the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, dietary supplement good manufacturing practices, and adverse event reporting requirements. As is required by law, Vivix adheres to all established the safety and purity standards. Where ever there is a Good Practices Standard, Shaklee exceeds that standard.

What are polyphenols?

The term polyphenols is used to describe a group of phytonutrients that have antioxidant benefits and potential protective effects against cellular aging. In fact, emerging research suggests that polyphenols may elicit multiple biological effects consistent with sustained and improved human health.

All the Earth’s plants produce polyphenols. There are 5,000 to 10,000 different types in nature. This is the plants way of fighting against infectious agents, excessive heat, radiation and moisture stress. The muscadine grape vine is much more resistant to pathogens such as micro-fungi than most other plants — can grow in very hot and humid climates — and produces a large number of polyphenols.

Groups of Polyphenols include Flavonoids. And while there are thousands of different flavonoids, all flavonoids are part of the larger Polyphenol grouping.

Proanthocyanidins or Anthocyanins also fall under into the Flavonoid group. Resveratrol is a phytoalexin. Phytoalexins are flavonoids. All flavonoids are Polyphenols. So, Resveratrol is a phytoalexin, flavonoid and polyphenol!

To much info. We know.

What is Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant compound found in some plants, seeds, and fruits, including grapes and grape-derived products such as red wine. Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has been found to potentially improve health and well-being in laboratory studies from around the globe. In addition, emerging laboratory research has shown that resveratrol may slow cellular aging and can activate genetic regulators of cellular longevity pathways, which may have positive effects on DNA, cellular health, and metabolism.*

Resveratrol belongs to a group called phytoalexins. Phytoalexins are produced by some plants to help protect it from attacks from bacteria, fungi, insects, harsh weather, and environmental stress. You could think of Resveratrol is an antibiotic that plants under attack produce naturally to help protect themselves from infections.

Where does Shaklee get the resveratrol ingredients?

Is the harvesting process of the muscadine grape environmentally friendly?

What are the benefits of Resveratrol?

Has been shown to increase the lifespan of Mice and other animals.
Mimics calorie restriction which has been proven to produce longevity.
Promotes a healthy heart and cardiovascular function.
Boosts immunity.
Reduces the physical signs of aging.
Increases muscle tone.
Strong antioxidant protection.

Does Vivix contain Trans-resveratrol or CIS-resveratrol and why is that important?

Vivix contains only Trans-resveratrol. This is a critical point because Trans-Resveratrol is stable and easily absorbed by the human body. CIS-Resveratrol is NOT stable and NOT easily absorbed. Shaklee would never use the CIS-resveratrol for and you should never take a resveratrol product with CIS-resveratrol.

Who can benefit from Vivix?

Any adult concerned with cellular aging and optimal well-being. Vivix is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, or anyone younger than 18 years old.

Is Vivix safe?

Yes. Available data suggest that doses of resveratrol in the 30 to 150 mg/day range are safe in humans – which is in sharp contrast to the side effects observed in clinical trials of the synthetic resveratrol derivatives being developed by the pharmaceutical industry.

What is the recommended intake of Vivix per day?

One teaspoon.

Is Vivix safe to take with other supplements?

Vivix can be taken alongside all Shaklee dietary supplements. There are no known interactions between Vivix—or any of its ingredients—and any other dietary supplements.

As a precaution, we recommend that people who are under the care of a physician for a medical condition or disease, or who are taking prescription medication, especially blood thinning medication, discuss the use of Vivix with their health care professional.

Do I need to keep Vivix refrigerated?

Refrigeration after opening will help to maintain optimal freshness, color, and maximum polyphenol activity in the product.

When should I take Vivix?

Take Vivix daily, preferably with a meal such as breakfast or lunch. Shake well before taking the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.

Should I take more than one teaspoon per day?

According to the latest research, there does not appear to be any added benefit from taking more than the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.

Should I drink Vivix every day?

Yes. Vivix turns on your anti-aging genes for a day or so. If you stop taking Vivix, you begin to age the same rate you were aging before you started taking Vivix.

Does Vivix contain alcohol?

Vivix does not contain alcohol.

Does Vivix contain emodin?

No. Emodin, which is found in Japanese Knotweed is a laxitive. While emodin is not toxic, it is an irritant you don’t want to deal with as you take a longevity product every day. Our science team went the extra mile to eliminate all emodin in Vivix.

How does drinking Vivix compare with the resveratrol in red wine?

Resveratrol content varies with quality. The average glass of even the highest quality wines contains about 1mg of resveratrol per glass. One teaspoon of Vivix would give you 100 X that amount.

There are wines that contain as little as .o3 mg of resveratrol per glass. In this case, one teaspoon of Vivix could contain as much as 500 times the resveratrol that you would find the average bottle of red wine.

Assuming a high quality, one teaspoon of Vivix would be the resveratrol equivalent of 100 glasses of wine — the amount Dr. David Sinclair believes would produce the results he saw in in his research.

Are there preservatives in Vivix?

No. There are no added preservatives. There are no artificial ingredients in Vivix.

Does Shaklee refrigerate Vivix?

Yes. To make sure Vivix stays fresh before we ship, we have a very large refrigerated room dedicated exclusively to Vivix. When you open the bottle, we do recommend you keep it in the fridge, just as you would juices.

To make sure we have product freshness over it’s shelf life, we keep the product cool (under 65 degrees). This process allows us to guarantee it’s stability.

Why isn’t Vivix shipped under refrigeration?

Extensive testing, including actual shipments throughout the country and simulated transportation under extreme temperature and humidity conditions, has confirmed that the highest-quality product is maintained under all shipping conditions to which the product will be exposed.

Is Vivix Kosher certified?

Yes. Shaklee markets Halal Certified products in Malaysia and Kosher Certified products in the U.S. and 
Canada markets.

Is Vivix guaranteed?

The Vivix Guarantee is simple: If for any reason you’re not completely happy with your Vivix purchase, we will cheerfully refund every penny you paid. Yes. We take all the risks, you take none.

Can I recycle the Vivix packaging?

Yes. The bottle and deco carton can be recycled.

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